How Fast Do You Lose Weight On Keto?
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How fast do you lose weight on keto? This is a very good question to ask as not all diets work the same for everyone. People can easily be able to lose weight on to if they follow certain guidelines and stick to them religiously. In this article we will discuss how to lose weight fast on a ketogenic diet.

Firstly, what is Ketosis? Ketosis is a condition where your body produces ketones for energy instead of glucose or other carbohydrates that are used in your daily diet. A lot of people suffer from ketosis, but because they don't know what it is, they can't follow the correct dieting regime to get rid of it. They also may end up starving themselves as a result of trying to starve themselves. This will increase the chance of getting a long term diabetic condition due to the fact that you are using sugar for fuel and not getting enough vitamins and minerals in your diet.
So how fast do you lose weight on to then? If you are able to restrict your intake of carbs to the bare minimum and keep ketones as your main source of energy, you should be able to lose up to 15% of your body weight in a week. Of course, this will depend heavily on what you are eating on a daily basis. Many people have reported amazing results, eating only fruit and leafy vegetables for a couple of days and then eating carbs as normal every day. Also, you need to be sure that you are drinking plenty of water so that your body is constantly hydrated. I suggest having a six-eight ounce glass of water with dinner each day and you should be fine.
How do you keep yourself motivated? If you are determined to lose weight fast, then setting yourself some short term goals will help you stick to the diet and you will feel less deprived when you don't see all of the delicious food that you love. It is very easy to slack off and not do the exercises and this will affect your chances of losing weight fast.
A very common question asked by people who want to know how fast do you lose weight on keto is "Can I eat any carb-based foods while on the diet plan?" The short answer to that question is "technically, yes". The long answer is a little more complex but in general, yes, you can eat your favorite carb-based foods during the diet. However, you need to make sure that they are the low carb type of carbohydrates. This is because you want to replenish the glycogen (stored fat) in your body that was lost during the diet. Also, remember that the reason why you are taking the diet is to reduce your carbohydrate intake so you don't get too much glucose in your bloodstream which can cause unpleasant rebound effects such as dizziness, hunger, headaches and insomnia.
One of the more popular questions asked about how fast do you lose weight on keto is "can I go longer on this diet than those who have been dieting for years?". The short answer to that question is "if you can keep it up". There are some exceptions to this rule such as if you have kidney or heart disease, then you may want to speak to your doctor before starting on this diet. Also, if you have a medical condition that causes your blood sugar to be erratic like diabetes, glaucoma or epilepsy, then you should talk to your physician first.
When we speak about how fast do you lose weight on keto, it doesn't mean that you will lose a lot of weight at once. In fact, the amount of weight you lose will generally be a couple pounds at a time. But it will increase as you continue on this diet because your body will be using less fats and carbs, and therefore you can expect to lose about a pound or two every day for the first two weeks, and another half pound or so for the next two weeks, and so on.
But don't get discouraged if you don't see any quick results. Keep on practicing the diet, and eating the right kinds of foods, and in no time you will start to see results. This is one of the biggest benefits of this kind of diet. You don't need a large amount of exercise to feel great. You can enjoy life more when you are not carrying around a heavy load of fat and excess weight. This fast diet is also great if you are pregnant or trying to conceive, because it can help you get to your ideal weight much faster than you could with a normal diet plan.
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