Does Blowing Up Make You Lose Weight?
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Do you have a question about how does throwing up make you lose weight? Have you ever been bloated and found out that you could no longer rid your body of the excess water weight? Or do you know someone who has undergone weight loss surgery and found that they cannot get rid of that weight back. While it may be easy to say, "I don't need to worry about that because I am not hungry," that is not always the case. If you become hungry all the time or feel stuffed from overeating, you are sending mixed signals to your body and telling it that it needs to work harder to process the food that you consume.

For example, when you are throwing up, you eat more food than normal. Your body continues to work extra hard to process this extra food, sending hunger signals throughout your system to help you consume more. However, when you stop eating, your body does not get the signal that to eat more. Your system will believe that you are already full so you continue to eat. This over-eating can lead to serious weight gain.
Another common reason why people experience these two different symptoms is because they have drunk too much alcohol or are suffering from dehydration. Typically, these symptoms are experienced after eating or drinking for several hours. When vomiting, you will likely experience more nausea and soreness after eating than usual. However, after vomiting, you should avoid eating right away to prevent dehydration from setting in.
If you eat right and are exercising, then you will limit the amount of food that you throw up. The faster that your body digests the food you eat, the more of it is absorbed into your system. After a while, when your stomach is filled with food, you should stop eating right away and wait for this to pass through your system before eating again. By not eating right away, you are less likely to experience vomiting since there is less stomach acid released. This helps to limit the amount of calories you consume because it decreases the amount of time your body spends digesting the food.
Another problem is eating right before or during exercise. The muscles in your body need time to fully repair themselves after working out. Your metabolism needs a little break from the constant activity so that it can start repairing the muscles back to their normal state. By eating right before or during your workout, you give your metabolism just enough time to repair itself. By throwing up, you are causing your system to take more time to repair itself. This over-feeding can cause your body to gain weight since your system does not have enough food to function normally.
Sometimes, eating small meals may be the best option for those who experience these symptoms. Smaller meals allow your digestive system to work at a normal rate so your body does not become overwhelmed. Since your body has more time to digest the food, you end up eating less which also helps your system stay healthy. If you keep up with the eating schedule, vomiting should become less of an issue.
If you notice yourself vomiting a lot more than usual, or feel extremely bloated when you eat, it could be due to extreme over-eating. If you feel like throwing up every few hours, then you need to evaluate your eating habits. Perhaps you are eating too much at night and not getting enough in during the day. Changing your eating habits could solve your problem.
You can try eating healthier if you feel that you are vomiting a lot. Eating smaller meals is a great way to keep your digestive system from becoming too busy. Eating smaller meals less often is better for your body than constantly eating large amounts of food all at once. This causes you to experience indigestion which is another cause of vomiting. Switching to a healthier eating schedule can help you stop vomiting and lose weight.
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